Recently I was asked to speak to a group of first year students at Life Church Bradford in West Yorkshire about homosexuality and the church. I could share out of my own journey! I could share about my gay life, about how I had an encounter with God some fourteen years ago, where my eyes was opened to see that Jesus died for me, that my sins were forgiven, and that in Christ I am a new creation, saved from my past life and for a purpose in Him. Through His resurrection, Christ now lives in me by his Spirit – the Holy Spirit!
The worldwide Church in the past has fallen into either one of two groups: either all-accepting and forgetting to speak the truth that in Christ we are a new creation, or on the flip side, condemning and judgemental to those caught in immorality, sexual sin and gender identity issues.
I believe the balance has come through what Jesus did and who He was! He is the Son of God who takes away the sins of the world! No man can take another’s sin, brokenness, hurt, pain, suffering, shortcomings, guilt and shame away! No, only the cross and His selfless act of unconditional love could do that!!
Therefore no amount of judging and preaching can bring others to repentance. Only His loving kindness that extends to all mankind! All that’s required from us is a response. A choice to use our own free will to believe that He is who He is and He has done what He has done!
Come on! I dare you!!!