Neither gay, straight, bi, or trans, but…
On 28 February 2016 | 0 Comments | Blog |

Before I met Jesus, I was gay. I lived my gay life out for all to see, proved it, confirmed it, and even pushed it. But then I met Him, Jesus, my Saviour one evening, sat on the carpet in my apartment. I invited Him into my heart and gave Him my life, and everything changed. I was introduced to a God, my Heavenly Father. I experienced His grace and mercy, His forgiveness for my sins, and His unconditional love for me. He even called me by a new name, one I had not called myself before. Yes, He called me his child, His son, to become a man of God.

See, dear reader, after that evening meeting Him, I never wanted to call myself gay, straight, bi, or trans again. No, all I wanted to hear was His beautiful voice filled with loving kind words towards me, child, son, and man of God, for He created me in His image and I was His and His banner, his flag, over me was love. Read Song of Solomon 2:4.

Would you like to meet Him and hear what name He calls you?

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